The KMGD Compass Session

This is an initial planning and strategy session. The Compass will give you the creative direction you need to be successful. By the end, we’ll answer:

  • What are your challenges?
  • How can design help?
  • Identify the Mission: we map out & chart a path to your creative vision

The KMGD Mission

If necessary after the KMGD Compass Session, we create a plan to achieve our shared mission, bring it back to you for approval, then execute.

We are particularly equipped to handle the following types of projects:

Product Design (Full Stack UX and UI Design)
Outsource some key user journies to us, or have our designers embed with your team. The Figma specifications will be engineering ready

Creative, Graphic, and Motion Design
Have our artists produce anything from animations to commercials to social media campaigns to localized assets for strategic placement

Creative Organizational Consulting
Strategically place creative resources to maximize the impact of your design goals within a corporate culture, all in service of business success

Prices negotiable